2017 Polska

Iza i Łukasz – sesja na Teneryfie

W kolorach i zapachach gorącej Teneryfy, wśród starych drzew, mięsistych aloesów, w kolonialnych miasteczkach i na barwnych skałach wulkanu El Teide.. To była bardzo wyjątkowa sesja..

Zdecydowanie jedna z ciekawszych sesji w roku 2017 !! W dalszej części posta również zdjęcia z dnia ślubu.. zapraszam ..


5 Tanzwerkstatt 2017 & Dance Eleganza in Corinna Janson Studio

It is again late November, and I am visiting Corinna Janson Dance Studio in Bad Kreuznach, Germany. It is always such a great pleasure to be there, but also a big photography challenge. The studio gathers around 150 dancers of different ages. The main event is a big stage performance for all the dancers ( 5.Tanzwerkstatt). Dance and photography are my two big passions so I always find such a combination very special. To observe kids that move like old experienced dancers, to catch the moment of perfect focus, to see a beautiful movement I have never seen before, to feel and to catch the breath of the group – these are unique experiences!

